Top 5 edible and toxic vegetables for Frenchies - TomKings Blog

Top 5 edible and toxic vegetables for Frenchies

We all know how healthy vegetables are for humans but what about dogs? Should you feed any to your Frenchie or is it better to stick to meat and dog food? Similarly to fruits, some veggies have amazing benefits for Frenchies so giving them as an occasional treat is definitely a great idea. Be careful though! Not all of them will do good for your puppy, and some vegetables are even toxic for dogs. In this article, we compiled a list of the most recommended and forbidden vegetables for French bulldogs, keep reading to find out what these are!

Edible vegetables for French Bulldogs that we recommend

Top 5 edible and toxic vegetables for Frenchies - TomKings Blog

1. Carrots

Carrots are not only safe for French Bulldogs but they are probably the best and healthiest snacks that you can give to your baby! Carrots are low in calories yet high in fibers, and they also contain beta-carotene which helps produce vitamin A. Probably the best thing about carrots is that they are effective tooth cleaners as they help remove tartar from your puppy’s teeth while they are crunching on them. Need we say more? Simply peel a carrot and give it to your baby in whole 1-2 times a week, they will not only love its taste but will even keep them busy for some time. You can serve it cooked too if your puppy has an upset stomach.

 2. Celery

Celery is another excellent vegetable that has tons of health benefits for dogs. Containing essential nutrients as well as vitamins A, B and C, it not only helps keep your Frenchie’s heart healthy but can even fight cancer! If your Frenchie tends to have a stinky breath, this leafy vegetable offers a solution to that too. Just chop up some celery and add to your puppy’s food to keep their mouth fresh.

Top 5 edible and toxic vegetables for Frenchies - TomKings Blog

3. Cucumber

Cucumbers are amazing treats for all dogs, but especially those who need to maintain a healthy weight or even shred a few pounds. The reason for that is that cucumbers don’t contain any carbohydrates and fats, and these crunchy vegetables can even enhance your puppy’s energy level making them more willing to move. Vitamins K, C and B1 as well as potassium, copper, magnesium, and biotin can all be found in cucumbers making them extremely healthy snacks. Since they are mostly made up of water, we especially recommend giving cucumbers to your Frenchie in the summertime to keep them hydrated in the heat.


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4. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are popular among dog owners for a good reason. They are high in fibers and are a great source of vitamins A, C, B6 and B5 as well as nutrients such as iron, magnesium, calcium and potassium. We especially recommend them if your Frenchie has some sort of digestive issue like diarrhea: simply cook a small amount of sweet potatoes (you can even mash them) and serve it to your baby. You should avoid giving it raw is they can be hard to digest that way!

Top 5 edible and toxic vegetables for Frenchies - TomKings Blog

5. Pumpkin

Pumpkins are not only safe for Frenchies but they are also widely recommended by vets! Similarly to sweet potatoes, they can help a dog’s digestion, whether with constipation or diarrhea, so if your baby has a sensitive tummy, pumpkin puree can be a good choice thanks to its richness in fibers. It also contains a lot of essential nutrients as well as vitamins A, C and E, making it an amazing healthy veggie snack.

Toxic vegetables for French Bulldogs that you should avoid

Top 5 edible and toxic vegetables for Frenchies - TomKings Blog

 1. Potatoes

You should never feed your Frenchie raw potatoes! Similarly to tomatoes, they contain solanine which is toxic to dogs. In baked or boiled potatoes the levels of solanine are largely reduced, still it’s better not to take any chances so you should avoid this vegetable altogether. On the other hand, sweet potatoes are completely safe and very nutritious as we explained above.

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2. Garlic

Garlic is known to have numerous health benefits for humans but not for Frenchies! It contains a compound called thiosulfate which is toxic to dogs causing anemia and an upset stomach, so you should definitely keep it out of your baby’s reach. If your Frenchie still eats a bit of garlic there’s no need to panic as it takes a larger amount to cause serious issues, but if you see that your baby is unwell, consult your vet right away.

Top 5 edible and toxic vegetables for Frenchies - TomKings Blog

3. Onions

Similarly to garlic, onions are also poisonous to dogs in larger amounts so you should never give this vegetable to your Frenchie in any form. Even the size of a medium sized onion can cause serious problems like anemia if your puppy eats it, so you should immediately contact your vet if you see signs like lethargy, lack of appetite or even fainting.

4. Mushrooms

If you’ve ever wondered whether you can give mushrooms to you Frenchie, we’ll give you a definite answer: don’t do it. Even though there are thousands of different types of mushrooms and only a low percentage of them are actually toxic, it only takes one bite from a poisonous one and it can even be fatal for your baby in worst cases.

Top 5 edible and toxic vegetables for Frenchies - TomKings Blog

For that reason, you should also watch out for wild mushrooms if you take your puppy for a walk in the woods! Dogs explore the world around them by smelling and tasting things they find interesting, so it’s very important to teach your Frenchie they cannot eat anything off the ground! If you see or just suspect that your baby did eat some kind of mushroom, contact your vet immediately! If you can, get a sample of the mushroom too.

5. Spicy peppers

You probably wouldn’t think of giving any sort of spicy pepper to your Frenchie, but we wanted to include these vegetables as well. Chili peppers, jalapeno peppers and everything similar are completely off the table, on the other hand, a small amount of plain red or yellow bell pepper is safe for dogs. To help your puppy better digest these, remove the outer skin to make it a healthy and crunchy treat.

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Our TomKings Frenchie Family members have also shared their experiences about the topic, if you’d like to read these, feel free to join our Facebook group!

The article is based on the expert knowledge of the TomKings Puppies team who have been breeding French Bulldogs for 10 years on their farm. All the pictures in the post belong to them and their customers, and show puppies from their breed. If you have any questions or comments, let us know below the article!


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Spencer, the special

Big Rope Blue and tan

, French Bulldog,



Daphne, the adorable


, French Bulldog,



Aspyn, the cuddly

Fawn merle

, French Bulldog,



Marcellus, the marvelous


, French Bulldog,



Aida, the gentle


, French Bulldog,



Mimi, the mesmerizing


, French Bulldog,



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