Our 5 most popular Frenchie blog posts from 2021 - TomKings Blog

Our 5 most popular Frenchie blog posts from 2021

A huge part of our mission apart from creating happy Frenchie families is educating and helping our puppy parents about how they can take care of their babies in the best possible way. Last year we tried to write about topics that we thought might interest you most, and we really believe we managed to fulfill that goal as lots of you were reading these blog posts, for which we are immensely grateful. We were curious to see which ones of them proved to be most popular, and we decided to share these with you. This year will be no different, we can’t wait to create more content for you. Thank you for reading us!

1# What happens with your Frenchie in their first few weeks?

This article was on top of our list by far, and we think we know the reason why. If you have a Frenchie from us, you will probably agree that one of the hardest things after reserving your TomKings puppy was waiting until you could finally hold your new baby in your arms. Airlines have strict policies for pet travel and we also prefer to send our Frenchies fully vaccinated, which can add up to a couple of additional weeks that the pups need to spend with us.

Fluffy litter - TomKings Puppies

Our Frenchie parents are always very understanding and say that it was all worth it in the end, still those couple of weeks can really seem like eternity! So, it’s just natural that you were curious about your sweet pup’s life before they became a part of yours. In this article, we shared how we take care of our Frenchies from their very first moments until they are old enough to travel to their forever families. We love them as our own children, and we hope that this article put your mind at ease that your baby was raised with the utmost care and love.

2# What to do to prevent French Bulldog theft – 7 tips

The fact that this article finished second on our list means that unfortunately French Bulldog theft is a very relevant topic nowadays. Frenchies have never been more popular than these past couple of years, in fact, AKC currently ranks them second on their list of popular dog breeds in the USA. Because of the high demand, ill-intentioned people try to take this opportunity and steal Frenchies from their families with the intention to sell them, what’s even worse, to use them for breeding purposes and make even more money.

Our 5 most popular Frenchie blog posts from 2021 - TomKings Blog

Probably the best-known case of French Bulldog theft happened last year when Lady Gaga’s Frenchies (Koji and Gustav) were violently stolen from her dog walker, luckily both of them were found unharmed. We thought it was really important to raise awareness and do what we can to prevent such a thing from happening. So, we put together a list of the main steps you can do to avoid your little angel getting stolen from you, and we couldn’t be more grateful that it reached such a wide audience.

3# Boy or Girl Frenchie? We help you decide!

Boy or girl Frenchie? - TomKings Blog

When talking to you as our future adopters, this has been one of those questions that would always come up at the early stage of the conversation: “What’s the difference between male and female Frenchies? Which one of them do you recommend?”. We thought it was finally time to gather all our knowledge about the topic and write an article which explains everything you need to know about the differences between boy and girl Frenchies! We still wouldn’t be able to pick as they’re both equally adorable in our eyes, but we really hope it made your decision on the gender of your future family member easier!

4# How to train your Frenchie to sleep in their bed

Frenchie parents have LOTS of questions about the training of their puppies. We constantly get questions about leash training, crate training, obedience training in the TomKings Frenchie Family Facebook group, but it seems like the most challenging thing you faced last year was training your babies to sleep in their beds.

Frenchie Sleeping training - TomKings Blog

We know how tempting it is to let your baby sleep with you in your bed, especially during the first night they spend in your home, when they are crying for their mommy and siblings. But, if you let them sleep with you once, they’ll claim your bed in no time! We cannot say enough that training starts on the very first day your Frenchie arrives to you, so we decided to share our best pieces of advice about the topic. We hope it has helped to make your baby’s and your sleep more peaceful!

Check out our
available puppies

5# Homemade Frenchie food recipes (to make your pup lick their bowl clean)

This list wouldn’t be complete without at least one article about food! There’s probably no other topic that our TomKings Family Members have had more discussions about than feeding their babies. These little chowhounds are very lucky as all of you wanted to give them the best food possible, lots of you have mentioned that they actually eat better than you!

Homemade Frenchie food recipes - TomKings Blog

It definitely takes some experimenting until you find what works best for your puppy, and we think preparing home-made food is a great option to make sure your Frenchie eats healthy. The best part is that you can prepare meals in big batches, then freeze several portions and just defrost them before feeding. In this article, we shared two simple bowl-licking recipes which your babies seemed to love!

Ultimate Guide
to Adopting a Frenchie

The article is based on the expert knowledge of the TomKings Puppies team who have been breeding French Bulldogs for 10 years on their farm. All the pictures in the post belong to them and their customers, and show puppies from their breed. Check their available French Bulldog puppies, or if you have any questions or comments let us know below the article.


4 thoughts on “Our 5 most popular Frenchie blog posts from 2021”

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Tyke, the terrific

Lilac and tan

, French Bulldog,



Brooke, the baby

Lilac and tan

, French Bulldog,



Wolfram, the wonderful

Lilac merle

, French Bulldog,



Othello, the wise

Choco merle and tan

, French Bulldog,



Rollo, the curious

Choco merle and tan

, French Bulldog,



Nash, the noble

Lilac merle and tan

, French Bulldog,



Which adorable Frenchie will you choose? Difficult question, right? To help you out, we will gladly provide you with some extra photos or videos of our available Frenchies, you just need to ask! Send us an enquiry with the name of the puppy that catches your attention and we will tell you all about him or her. We also look forward to answering any questions you may have! 

If you can’t find your dream Frenchie amongst our available Frenchie puppies, sign up to our New Puppy Notifier to get notified when new puppies are available:

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Consider adopting a French Bulldog?

Download our FREE Ultimate Guide to Adopting a Frenchie, and prepare to become the best dog parent!

Don’t miss out Your Ultimate Guide to Adopting a Frenchie e-book