Top 5 edible and toxic fruits for Frenchies - TomKings Blog

Top 5 Edible and Toxic Fruits for Frenchies

In our previous article, we already mentioned the 7 most dangerous food for Frenchies. But what about fruits? You might think, “Come on, dogs don’t eat fruit!” The ancestors of dogs were purely carnivores indeed, but the domestication process has changed their eating habits too.

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6 things French Bulldogs love to do - TomKings Blog
Frenchie Lifestyle

6 things French Bulldogs love to do

If dogs could speak, we would learn so much about their world! Unfortunately, dog translator apps haven’t been developed yet, so we can solely rely on our observations when it comes to French bulldogs. Thankfully, we have years and years of experience raising Frenchies, and

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7 most dangerous food for Frenchies - TomKings Blog

What Can French Bulldogs NOT Eat?

The appetite of a Frenchie is like a bottomless pit. They can eat anytime, almost anything, and they are pretty opportunists when you drop something. Frenchies, especially at a young age, are not aware of any danger when it comes to eating. Therefore, you have

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When is the best time to adopt a Frenchie? - TomKings Blog

When is the best time to adopt a Frenchie?

Are you wondering what is the best time to adopt a Frenchie? Well, this question is a bit like when to have children. There is no exact “right time” as it always depends on you. Can you adjust your daily routine, your whole lifestyle to

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TomKings Puppies Blog Frenchie Fitness: Dog Nutrition

Frenchie Fitness: Dog Nutrition

Maintaining healthy body weight is not only crucial to human health, but it is the same with dogs. Overseeing the amount your Frenchie consumes day by day will help to avoid becoming overweight and prevent many health issues, like high blood pressure, problems with insulin,

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