An extensive guide of French Bulldog colors and patterns - TomKings Blog

30 Rare and Standard French Bulldog Colors

In our experience, there are two types of people looking to adopt a Frenchie puppy: those who just want a family member and don’t care about the looks and those who have their preferences and know exactly what they’re looking for. If you’ve just started

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Top 25 Frenchie names: how to find the perfect one - TomKings Blog

Top 25 Frenchie names: how to find the perfect one

Names not only define people but our favorite four-legged friends as well. Puppies are basically treated like children, so it’s just natural that we put a lot of thought into finding the perfect names that will match their character and appearance best. In this article,

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When is the best time to adopt a Frenchie? - TomKings Blog

When is the best time to adopt a Frenchie?

Are you wondering what is the best time to adopt a Frenchie? Well, this question is a bit like when to have children. There is no exact “right time” as it always depends on you. Can you adjust your daily routine, your whole lifestyle to

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Boy or Girl Frenchie? We help you decide! - TomKings Blog

Male vs Female French Bulldog? We help you decide!

Many future parents who have already decided to welcome a sweet little Frenchie pup into their homes will soon face another question that might get them thinking. You may have already asked this yourself: should you get a boy or a girl? Does gender even

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Consider adopting a French Bulldog?

Download our FREE Ultimate Guide to Adopting a Frenchie, and prepare to become the best dog parent!