7 most dangerous food for Frenchies - TomKings Blog

What Can French Bulldogs NOT Eat?

The appetite of a Frenchie is like a bottomless pit. They can eat anytime, almost anything, and they are pretty opportunists when you drop something. Frenchies, especially at a young age, are not aware of any danger when it comes to eating. Therefore, you have

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Frenchies and cats: how can they become best friends? - TomKings Blog
Frenchie Lifestyle

Frenchies and cats: how can they become best friends?

People tend to think that cats and dogs are natural enemies who will always hate each other. The truth is actually far from that: dogs, especially Frenchies and cats can live together in perfect harmony if their parents are willing to put in some patience

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When is the best time to adopt a Frenchie? - TomKings Blog

When is the best time to adopt a Frenchie?

Are you wondering what is the best time to adopt a Frenchie? Well, this question is a bit like when to have children. There is no exact “right time” as it always depends on you. Can you adjust your daily routine, your whole lifestyle to

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What do you need to know about Frenchie supplements? - TomKings Blog
Frenchie Products

The Best French Bulldog Supplements & Vitamins

One of the main concerns of Frenchie parents is how they can keep their fur babies healthy and happy at all times. If you have a French Bulldog, you may have already wondered whether your puppy needs any supplements in addition to his or her

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How can you become your Frenchie’s pack leader? - TomKings Blog
Frenchie Lifestyle

How can you become your Frenchie’s pack leader?

Did you know that the key to every successful training is to show your Frenchie that you are the leader of the pack? What that means is to make him understand that when you’re present, you’re always in charge. The good news is that your

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Consider adopting a French Bulldog?

Download our FREE Ultimate Guide to Adopting a Frenchie, and prepare to become the best dog parent!