What to do when your Frenchie gets scared? - TomKings Blog

What to do when your Frenchie gets scared

French Bulldogs are known for their goofy and comical personalities who can instantly put a smile on people’s faces. We should not forget though that they can be sensitive creatures who may have certain fears just like humans. Whether it is other dogs, cyclists, guests

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Why do Frenchies get the Zoomies? - TomKings Blog
Frenchie Lifestyle

Why do Frenchies get the Zoomies?

One day a friend of mine came over for a quick visit. I introduced her to our baby French bulldog, and I went to the kitchen to put the kettle on. My friend remained in the living room with our pup, but she called me

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5 most common French bulldog eye problems - TomKings Blog

5 most common French Bulldog eye problems

Frenchies and other bulldog breeds are more exposed to eye problems as their shorter snouts cannot protect them as much from scratches and things that can get into them. Because their eyes are so vulnerable, it’s important to be aware of the dangers that your

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Why and how to dress your Frenchie? - TomKings Blog
Frenchie Lifestyle

Why and how to dress your Frenchie?

We can never get bored of seeing a Frenchie dress up in style, especially when it matches the owner’s style. Clothes can perfectly reflect their personality: they can look funny, cool, or even romantic. Most people think that owners dress them for their own entertainment.

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Our 5 most popular Frenchie blog posts from 2021 - TomKings Blog
About TomKings

Our 5 most popular Frenchie blog posts from 2021

A huge part of our mission apart from creating happy Frenchie families is educating and helping our puppy parents about how they can take care of their babies in the best possible way. Last year we tried to write about topics that we thought might

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Are Frenchies smart? How intelligent is this breed? - TomKings Blog
Frenchie Lifestyle

Are Frenchies smart?

When it comes to the personality of our dog, we are all biased a bit. In our own eyes, our pup is the most beautiful, most loving, most funny, and well-behaved animal. But let’s be honest. When it comes to training, Frenchies can give us

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Consider adopting a French Bulldog?

Download our FREE Ultimate Guide to Adopting a Frenchie, and prepare to become the best dog parent!