How to introduce a new family member to your Frenchie - TomKings Blog

How to introduce a new family member to your Frenchie

Introducing a new family member, like a second French Bulldog, baby or a cat, brings immense joy and excitement to everyone involved. However, it’s important to remember that your older puppy might perceive the newcomer as a threat, as they might fear losing your love

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How to train your Frenchie to sleep in their bed - TomKings Blog

How to train your Frenchie to sleep in their bed

We regularly hear parents complaining about their puppy still sleeping with them after a year. This is a usual challenge for most parents, although with some easy steps at the beginning you can make sure your French Bulldog sleeps alone. Read our step by step

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Step by step guide for a successful potty training

The training of your Frenchie starts right from the moment you bring him or her home. Let’s see the steps of the effective potty training explained by the expert team of TomKings Puppies.  Potty training step one: remove carpets As we wrote in a previous

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Frenchie Lifestyle

[Tutorial] A Frenchie-friendly vacation

Find below all our articles which help you enjoy the vacation with your French Bulldog. Frenchie friendly hotels, dog sitters, pet insurance – read about everything here. When planning your vacation together with your pup, choose a hotel that he or she will also love.

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5 things not to do with a french bulldog - TomKings Puppies Blog
Frenchie Lifestyle

5 Things Not To Do With a French Bulldog

We all treat our French Bulldogs as family members and behave with them like that. It’s important to note, however, that there are some things they don’t like as much as humans. While a lot depends on how they are raised and trained, try to

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Why and how to avoid ‘puppy farms’

At TomKings Puppies we make serious efforts to fight against unethical breeding and educate puppy parents on how to recognize false intentions. It’s not always easy, as puppy farms and dealers have tricky methods to fake their activity and can be easily mixed with honest

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Consider adopting a French Bulldog?

Download our FREE Ultimate Guide to Adopting a Frenchie, and prepare to become the best dog parent!