French Bulldog Sleeping: Facts and Training Guide

French Bulldog Sleeping: Facts and Training Guide

When it comes to our beloved French Bulldogs, ensuring they get enough sleep is as crucial as their diet or exercise routine. Sleep plays a pivotal role in their overall health and well-being. In this guide, we’ll dive into the fascinating world of French Bulldog sleeping habits, sharing insights on how you can enhance their sleep quality and train them to sleep in their bed. Whether you’re a new owner or have been part of the Frenchie family for years, this guide will help you ensure that your Frenchie gets the best possible rest, every night.

The Sleeping Habits of French Bulldogs

French Bulldogs are renowned not just for their adorable looks and lovable personalities, but also for their robust sleeping schedules. An adult Frenchie typically spends about 12 to 14 hours per day sleeping. However, this can vary widely depending on their age and overall health. Puppies, who are still growing, and older dogs, who may have decreased energy levels, can sleep for up to 18 to 20 hours a day. This extensive amount of sleep supports their development and vital functions, boosts their immune system, and keeps their temperament stable.

French Bulldog Sleeping: Facts and Training Guide

While Frenchies may seem like they could nod off at any second after they’ve had their zoomies, their sleeping patterns are really flexible. They can adjust their sleep schedules to fit around your lifestyle, sleeping more when you’re not active and waking when you are up and about. They especially love to sleep next to or even on top of you whenever they can, often settling in the funniest positions. Being one of the best companion dogs in the canine world, this is another demonstration of their innate connection to their human families. 

If you’re a Frenchie parent, it’s vital to ensure that your French Bulldog gets sufficient quality sleep. Lack of sleep can lead to a range of issues including a  weakened immune system and behavioral problems such as anxiety, irritability or hyperactivity. On the other hand, a well-rested Frenchie is typically a happy and healthy Frenchie. But it’s not just about quantity; the quality of sleep is just as important. Let’s explore what can affect the quality of their sleep and how you can ensure your furry friend gets the rest they need.

Ultimate Guide
to Raising a Frenchie

3 Things That Affect Your Frenchie’s Sleep Quality

Comfortable Sleeping Environment

The quality of sleep your Frenchie gets is highly dependent on their sleeping environment. To ensure your baby gets restful sleep, you should create a space that is quiet, secure, and comfortable. Choose a draft-free area of your home with stable temperatures, and place a cozy bed there. It should be soft yet supportive, opting for one with raised edges can even provide a sense of security.

French Bulldog Sleeping: Facts and Training Guide

The Role of Diet

What your Frenchie eats plays a crucial role in how well they sleep. A balanced healthy diet affects everything from their energy levels to how soundly they sleep at night. Moreover, it’s crucial to maintain a healthy weight because obesity can lead to breathing difficulties and sleep apnea in flat-faced breeds like Frenchies. Sleep apnea is a condition where breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep, leading to fragmented and non-restorative rest.

Exercise and Its Effects on Sleeping

Physical and mental stimulation are also essential for your Frenchie to sleep well. Regular exercise helps to release their energy appropriately throughout the day, making it easier for them to settle down at night. Activities should be tailored to their specific needs, considering their physical limitations and energy levels. Mental stimulation through interactive play and training can also tire your Frenchie out in a good way, promoting better sleep at night.

Training Your French Bulldog to Sleep Through the Night

Ensuring your French Bulldog learns to sleep through the night in their own bed is a crucial step for both their independence and your peace of mind. Below you’ll find our step-by-step guide to training them.

Step 1: Create a Comfortable Sleeping Area

We’ve already mentioned the importance of a cozy sleeping area, free from any disturbing noise or light. From the first day, introduce your Frenchie to a comfortable, fluffy bed that they will like from the first moment. It should be a cuddly, soft place, positioned a bit higher than the floor. You can place here a piece of your clothes. Puppies have a very strong sense of smell, and it helps them feel you close. There are special soft toys that you can buy at puppy stores that some Frenchies like to sleep with.

French Bulldog Sleeping: Facts and Training Guide

Step 2: Be Consistent from Day One

Consistency is critical in teaching your Frenchie where they should sleep. If your family decided not to let the puppy sleep in your bed, this should be agreed upon and reinforced by all the family members. If your Frenchie tries to join you in your bed, gently guide them back to their own. Use the same command like “Go to bed” and repeat it until they do, also showing it with your gestures. Remember that the tone of your voice matters more than what you say. It’s important not to yield; if you let them in your bed even for once, you’ll have a very hard time to get them out later on.

Step 3: Address Crying at Night

At the beginning, your fur baby might cry for you, which is completely normal at that point. It’s important to build their trust and let them know that you are close, so you should return to them and pet them a couple of times to keep them calm. What you shouldn’t do is to turn up as soon as you hear them crying as they’ll learn to take advantage of that! As the pack leader, you are the one who sets the boundaries. Use a calm command like “stop crying” and remain firm. Over time, they will learn that crying doesn’t change their sleeping arrangements.

Available puppies

Available Puppies

Elvis, the elegant

Orion, the outstanding

Ezra, the eager

Athena, the admirable

Luke, the lovable

Oliver, the outstanding

Step 4: Limit Food and Water Before Bed

Avoid feeding your Frenchie large meals close to bedtime. A light dinner two to three hours before sleep helps prevent bathroom breaks at night. Similarly, limit water intake before bed to reduce the likelihood of needing to go out.

Step 5: Develop a Routine

Dogs are creatures of habit, so set a specific time for bed and stick to it every night. Include pre-sleep activities like a gentle walk or a calm play session before it’s time to wind down. Regular, scheduled activities and training sessions during the day are essential so that your Frenchie is ready to rest at night. 

French Bulldog Sleeping: Facts and Training Guide

Step 6: Change Things Up If Needed

If your Frenchie continues to resist sleeping in their bed, consider trying different types of beds or locations within the room. Sometimes, a change in environment can make a significant difference. Experiment with different types of bed, like a cushion, or a bigger crate. Read our article about how you can crate train your Frenchie

Step 7: Be Patient and Consistent

Training a puppy to adopt new habits takes time and patience. If your Frenchie struggles initially, stay consistent with the routine and commands. Avoid letting them into your bed as a quick fix, as this can create long-term habits that may be hard to break.

By following these steps, your Frenchie should learn to sleep soundly through the night in their bed within a couple of days, leading to a more harmonious living for both of you.

Real Owner Experiences and Tips

While many Frenchie parents choose to provide a separate sleeping area for their pups, there are plenty who couldn’t imagine not sharing their bed with their furry companion. Out of curiosity, we asked members of the TomKings Frenchie Family Facebook group to share their experiences. Below, you can read what they had to say about their own tips and practices, ensuring their Frenchies get a good night’s sleep.

French Bulldog Sleeping: Facts and Training Guide

“Ever since I was a child, our animals (cats and dogs) slept in the bed. Our Frenchie & English Bulldog both sleep in our bed. We even bought a low bed frame to make it safer for them  But we don’t/ didn’t allow them to sleep in the bed the first few months they came into our home. We crate trained them first. They love their crates. They often sleep in their crates while we get ready for bed then make they way up after we are situated. Sometimes our sleep is disrupted but we also have a hard time sleeping when they don’t sleep with us.” (Dana)

“The first few months we did not allow Bruce in the bed! Then he broke his toe and we felt like guilty parents so the first night in bed led to every night…but the past few months we have closed him out of the room. He snores so loudly that I can’t sleep  but he is happy to sleep in the living room, in his bed or on the couch or the floor, it’s always different. Every morning we open the door and allow him to join us in bed for some good morning cuddles.” (Penny)

“My baby boy lays with me on the couch ( and only on one side where I have put a blanket for us ) we love cuddling and taking naps together but, not on the bed as much as I love my baby I feel like we have to have at least one separate space in the home. His bed is right next to my side of the bed and every night when I tell him it’s bed time he runs and jumps on his bed and I cover him up give him his bedtime kisses 😘🥰 and he almost instantly snores through the night.” (Annaej)

“This is Roscoe and Sully little place where they sleep. It’s their little domain. Occasionally we do let them in our bed for some snuggles, but it’s not often. More like a treat for them (& us too🥰)” (Kimberly )

“My girls sleep together in their apartment on first floor. There are 2 beds but they bunk together and go right in when told. I do not hear anything from them till 7 am. It works really well and I hear no snoring. If I gave them free reign of the house they would chew everything.” (Helen)

What is your experience?

In this article, we’ve covered the essentials of French Bulldog sleeping habits, the factors that influence their sleep quality, and shared practical training tips and real owner experiences to help your Frenchie get the best night’s rest. Now, we want to hear from you!

Do you have any additional tips or stories about your Frenchie’s sleeping routines? What methods have you found effective in helping your pet sleep through the night? Sharing your experiences can help other owners who might be facing similar challenges, so join the conversation below in the comments!

If you’d like to learn more about Frenchies, join our Facebook group called TomKings Frenchie Family to read our Frenchie parents’ experiences.

The article is based on the expert knowledge of the TomKings Puppies team who have been breeding French Bulldogs for 10 years on their farm. All the pictures in the post belong to them and their customers, and show puppies from their breed. Check their available French Bulldog puppies, or if you have any questions or comments let us know below the article.



Percy, the funny


, French Bulldog,



Alicia, the sassy


, French Bulldog,



Millie, the gentle


, French Bulldog,



Archibald, the playful

Blue and tan

, French Bulldog,



Lucas, the great

Blue merle

, French Bulldog,



Gerald, the gorgeous

Big rope lilac

, French Bulldog,



Which adorable Frenchie will you choose? Difficult question, right? To help you out, we will gladly provide you with some extra photos or videos of our available Frenchies, you just need to ask! Send us an enquiry with the name of the puppy that catches your attention and we will tell you all about him or her. We also look forward to answering any questions you may have! 

If you can’t find your dream Frenchie amongst our available Frenchie puppies, sign up to our New Puppy Notifier to get notified when new puppies are available:

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