TomKings Instagram Account Deleted: What Happened and How You Can Help

TomKings Instagram Account Deleted: What Happened and How You Can Help

We are saddened to inform our Frenchie community that our beloved Instagram account, @tom_kings_kennel, which we’ve spent over 10 years building, was unexpectedly deleted. Unfortunately, we haven’t received a clear explanation from Instagram as to why this happened.

Our “old” Instagram account. We had more than 190K followers before it got taken down

We suspect that the issue may be due to confusion with another account that uses a similar name but is involved in selling weapons—a complete contrast to our mission of spreading love through our French Bulldogs.

For us, this Instagram account was more than just a social media platform. It was a way to stay closely connected with our followers and Frenchie parents, share the joy of our puppies, and maintain the strong family-like bond we’ve cultivated over the years.

Our New Temporary Instagram Account: @tomkings_puppies

To ensure we can stay connected with our community, we’ve taken immediate action by temporarily renaming one of our other Instagram accounts to @tomkings_puppies. This account was originally used to share fun and adorable Frenchie content, but for now, it will serve as our main platform to interact with you, share updates, and continue spreading the joy of our Frenchies.

We are still working tirelessly to regain access to our original account, @tom_kings_kennel. If any of you have experience with similar issues or know someone who works at Meta and could assist us, we would be incredibly grateful for any advice or contact information you can share.

In the meantime, we encourage you to follow @tomkings_puppies, where we’ll keep bringing you the same quality content you’ve come to love over the years.

Our “new” account

Watch Out for Scammers

We also want to take this opportunity to warn you about a serious issue: Instagram scammers. Unfortunately, there are accounts out there using our photos and pretending to sell Frenchie puppies, all while trying to scam unsuspecting buyers. These fraudulent accounts take advantage of our reputation and the trust we’ve built over the years, putting others at risk.

Just some scammer accounts using our name

If you come across any suspicious accounts that are using our images or pretending to be affiliated with TomKings Puppies, please let us know and report them immediately. By doing so, you can help protect others from falling victim to these scams and ensure that our community stays safe and informed.

A Big Thank You to Our Supportive Community

We can’t express enough how grateful we are for the incredible support we’ve already received from our TomKings Family. Many of you have reached out to us on Facebook, offering advice and assistance during this difficult time. We would like to thank you for standing by us and helping us navigate this difficult situation. We’re confident that with your continued support, we’ll get through this and come out stronger.

As a final reminder, please follow our new Instagram account, @tomkings_puppies, report any suspicious accounts that may be using our photos, and if you have any advice or contacts who could assist us with recovering our original account, please don’t hesitate to reach out. 


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Wyatt, the wonderful

Blue and tan Fluffy

, French Bulldog,



Sophia, the superpupper


, French Bulldog,



Benedict, the breathtaking

Fluffy Blue merle

, French Bulldog,



Alicia, the sassy


, French Bulldog,



Location: Chicago, IL

Palmer, the poised

Fluffy Blue merle

, French Bulldog,



Lucas, the great

Blue merle

, French Bulldog,



Location: Chicago, IL

Which adorable Frenchie will you choose? Difficult question, right? To help you out, we will gladly provide you with some extra photos or videos of our available Frenchies, you just need to ask! Send us an enquiry with the name of the puppy that catches your attention and we will tell you all about him or her. We also look forward to answering any questions you may have! 

If you can’t find your dream Frenchie amongst our available Frenchie puppies, sign up to our New Puppy Notifier to get notified when new puppies are available:

New litter

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